Online since 15 June 2011

Beginner's Web

Assuming that you have little or no experience creating your own web presence, now may be the right time to start. If you feel this is so, then you have come to the right place.

Though this Web Development Tutorial is designed for a beginner, anyone from any level of expertise may find this useful. A step-by-step guide is developed here which takes you from 'No-where' to 'Some-where' in the World of Web. You will be amazed to find yourself comfortable with web design within weeks.

Good luck with your new endeavour and I hope you enjoy your web creativity.

Step 1: Google Account

First of all, we need a Google Account, as we will be using some Google services throughout our tutorial. Some of these will include, Blogger, Adsense, and Webmaster Tools, for example.

So if you don't have a Google Account, the first job is signing up for a Google Account now. If you wish to sign up today, just click the link below, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

Create a new Google Account

Step 2: Google Blogger

Once you have a Google Account, you can directly go to the following link to create your very first web presence - a Blog. At the moment you can consider a blog as a very simple website. Usually you will publish your write-ups into your blog.

Google Blogger offers a free service, for you to avail of. Before attempting to do anything advanced with web design, I would always recommend that you first work with the Google Blogger website. Here you can create as many blogs as you wish, therefore familiarising yourself with many varying web elements. Google Blogger enables you to develop a practical skill set. These skills can then be applied in the creation and design of your own website.

Create your first Blog at Google Blogger

Step 3: HTML

Now it may be the time to learn a Web Language that you will need to customize your blog or enhance functionality into it. But the main reason for why you need to learn a web language is it equips you with the necessary skill set that you will apply to create your own website.

So, we will learn HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) at this step. This is the main markup language for displaying web pages in a web browser. Again HTML is the most basic web language and you will use HTML codes everywhere of your web design life cycle. Click the link below to learn HTML in an easy way.

Learn HTML - an Online Tutorial

Step 4: CSS

While learning HTML, we also need to learn CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) at the same time. CSS is a style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of a document.

Learn CSS - an Online Tutorial

Step 5: Website Design

Reference Materials: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0: (Click here to view in details.)
  1. Provide equivalent alternatives to auditory and visual content.
  2. Don't rely on color alone.
  3. Use markup and style sheets and do so properly.
  4. Clarify natural language usage
  5. Create tables that transform gracefully.
  6. Ensure that pages featuring new technologies transform gracefully.
  7. Ensure user control of time-sensitive content changes.
  8. Ensure direct accessibility of embedded user interfaces.
  9. Design for device-independence.
  10. Use interim solutions.
  11. Use W3C technologies and guidelines.
  12. Provide context and orientation information.
  13. Provide clear navigation mechanisms.
  14. Ensure that documents are clear and simple.